Are You Ready To Take Care Of Your IBS?

The 6 Stage Programme That Will Quite Literally Transform Your Gut

by Ruth Tansey
(Nutritional Therapist & Wellbeing Coach)

Transform Your Gut With Our Proven

What Makes Our IBS Programme Stand Out From The Rest?


Personalised Journey

Our programme is designed to take you step by step through a well documented approach that will take away all your pain.


Gold Standard Testing

The tests we use are Gold Standard. They deliver the results, they define the issues clear as day, whether that’s stomach, gastic, gastro-intestinal, digestive or gut issues.


Holistic Approach to Gut Healing

We'll provide tailored recommendations for diet, supplements, and lifestyle modifications, ensuring you have our undivided attention throughout your recovery process.

Real People, Real Stories

Hear from Our Happy Clients

Banish IBS for good!

Ready to Transform Your Gut health?

Reach out and we’ll discuss the programme and how it can help you.

The Transform Your Gut Programme is a 6-12 week personalised programme that helps you to overcome your digestive issues and improve your gut health. The programme uses a combination of food as medicine, specific nutraceuticals, and lifestyle changes to address the root cause of your symptoms.

The Transform Your Gut Programme can help to improve a wide range of digestive symptoms, including constipation, diarrhoea, bloating, gas, abdominal pain, reflux, and general sluggishness. The programme can also help to boost your energy levels, improve your mood, and reduce your risk of developing autoimmune conditions.

The 6R protocol is a framework that is used to guide the Transform Your Gut Programme. The 6R stands for:

  • Remove: Remove anything harmful from your diet, such as processed foods, sugar, white carbohydrates, dairy, wheat, gluten, and stimulants.
  • Restore: Restore the functionality of your bowel using powerful herbs.
  • Replace: Replace digestive enzymes with gentle yet effective plant-based enzymes.
  • Reinoculate: Re-inoculate your gut with specific strains of well-researched probiotics.
  • Repair: Repair the gut wall with effective healing powders.
  • Rebalance: Rebalance the gut microbiome to promote overall gut health.

The Transform Your Gut Programme includes the following:

  • A medical health symptoms questionnaire and 7-day food diary
  • An initial consultation over Zoom
  • A MYMOP (Measure Yourself Medical Outcome Profile)
  • A comprehensive stool analysis GI Effects by Genova Diagnostics
  • A one-to-one follow-up consultation over Zoom at 3-4 weeks
  • An online Transform Your Gut Programme detailing specific steps you need to take
  • Two-weekly follow-up calls
  • A final review session on completion of the programme
  • Progress tracking at 3, 6, 9, and 12 months

The cost of the Transform Your Gut Programme is £1,500. This includes all of the assessments, consultations, and follow-ups, as well as the cost of the nutraceuticals.