Remedies to Relieve a Bloated Stomach and Its Cause

remedies to relieve a bloated stomach
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A swollen stomach is defined by a feeling of tightness, pressure, or fullness in the stomach. A clearly distended (swollen) abdomen may or may not be present. This sensation might range from mildly unpleasant to excruciatingly agonising. It normally goes away after a while, but it might be a recurring issue for some people. Bloating is primarily caused by digestive problems, though hormones and stress can also contribute.

Bloated stomach is usually linked to too much gas, however the link between stomach bloating and gas isn’t completely known. Few people who experience bloating symptoms do not have an actual increase in intestinal gas and simply may be more sensitive to it. The composition, rather than the amount, of gas could also be significant. Oxygen, nitrogen, carbon dioxide, hydrogen, and methane make up intestinal gas. Depending on the type of intestinal gas, the composition changes. The most prevalent causes of gas include eating habits and bacterial fermentation of particular foods. If your bloated stomach persists, you should seek medical care to determine the cause.

Remedies to Relieve a Bloated Stomach

Bloating is usually caused by trapped air in the colon or small bowel. Flatus is the result of air passing through the bowel. A healthy person produces flatus between 12 and 25 times each day, with more gas in the intestine later in the day than earlier in the day.

The following tips may help you relieve stomach bloating or address the underlying causes.

Exercise and Posture

Physical activity can aid in the reduction of bloating and the elimination of gas from the body. Adjusting your posture can also assist. When you lie on your back, your body retains more gas, so try to stay moving throughout the day.

Over-the-Counter Medication

For stomach discomfort and bloating, over-the-counter medications can be effective. The generic and brand name versions work in the same way.


Probiotics are commonly used to aid with digestive disorders, and there is some evidence that they can help reduce stomach bloating.

Digestive Enzyme Supplements

The inability to digest certain foods is a typical cause of stomach bloating. The majority of digestive enzyme supplements work exclusively for persons who are unable to manufacture enzymes due to medical conditions. Over-the-counter enzymes, on the other hand, have been shown to aid in the digestion of two foods that are frequently problematic: dairy and legumes (such as beans).

Herbal Remedies

Peppermint has a long history in traditional medicine as a digestive aid, and peppermint oil may help persons with IBS, or irritable bowel syndrome. Peppermint leaf has been shown to have a releasing effect on gastrointestinal (GI) tissue in animals and may aid with bloating, although clinical research on humans has yet to be completed.

Another herb that can help with upper GI issues including stomach bloating and constipation is ginger.


When poorly digested carbohydrates ferment in the colon, it causes stomach bloating. A low-FODMAP diet, or a diet low in fermentable oligosaccharides, disaccharides, monosaccharides, and polyols, has helped many people who suffer from bloating.

You might also include kiwifruit in your diet, which has been shown to aid with bloating and constipation.

Causes of Bloated Stomach

Excess intestinal gas is the most prevalent cause of stomach pain and bloating. It could be a digestive problem if you have a bloated stomach after eating. It could be as easy as eating too much too quickly, or you could be suffering from a food intolerance or another illness that causes gas and digestive contents to build up. Another typical reason for temporary bloating is your menstrual cycle. A bloated stomach might sometimes signal a more serious medical condition.

It can also happen if the GI tract fills up with air or gas. Something as simple as the food you eat can cause it. Some foods are more gas-producing than others. Lactose intolerance might also cause it (problems with dairy).

Regular bloating can be caused by other problems, including:

  • Constipation (less than three bowel movements per week.
  • Gut sensitivity or IBS, irritable bowel syndrome.
  • Eating disorders.
  • Poor diet.
  • Small intestinal bacterial overgrowth (SIBO).
  • Gynecological issues and menstruation.
  • Celiac disease (an autoimmune disease triggered by gluten).
  • Inflammatory bowel disease (inflammation of the gastrointestinal tract).
  • Gastroparesis (slow emptying of the stomach into the small intestine).
  • Eating a lot of salty food and carbohydrates can make you feel bloated.
  • As can swallowing air when you eat too fast or drink a lot of fizzy drinks.

You may learn more about bloated stomach relief at the Inner Health Clinic – Transform Your Gut in Stockport, Manchester. Call 07712 620909 or email to schedule an appointment.