Best Food to Eat When You Have Irritable Bowel Syndrome (IBS)

People with IBS frequently have gastrointestinal problems after eating certain meals, and what may cause symptoms in one person may not cause symptoms in another. Everyone’s body is different, therefore things that irritate you may not irritate someone else. However, there are several meals that are likely to benefit your digestive system without aggravating your […]

10 Tips To Keep Your Gut Healthy

Your gastrointestinal system, which includes your stomach, small intestine, and colon, is referred to as your gut. You may not realize it, but gut health has a tremendous impact on our mental and physical health, as well as how we feel on a daily basis. Restoring balance to your body takes time,but with a healthy […]

Signs That You’re Suffering From SIBO

Small intestinal bacterial overgrowth (SIBO) happens when the general bacterial population in the small intestine increases abnormally, especially bacteria that aren’t normally found in that portion of the digestive tract. Blind loop syndrome is a term used to describe this disease. SIBO occurs when a situation, such as surgery or sickness, delays the movement of […]

Bloating Relief and the Microbiome

There is so much talk about the microbiome and how important it is, but what exactly is it? It’s a collection of microbes that reside within each and every one of us. A complex ecosystem of circa 39 trillion bacteria, fungi and viruses, all working together to defend our health and influence our behaviour. Bacteria […]

Foods for Constipation Relief

Foods that Heal and Give Relief from Constipation Here are the foods that can help you heal and give relief to constipation. Better to keep them in mind for a healthier life! 10 Super Gut Healing Foods Sauerkraut (“sour white cabbage” in German) is fermented cabbage that provides the body with lots of good bacteria. […]

Constipation Symptoms

How can we help ourselves with Constipation Symptoms? We also have bacteria that can wreak havoc on the digestive system. Clostridium, part of the firmicutes phylum contains several pathogenic bacterial strains, one such strain is C. difficile which causes diarrhoea. And C. botulinum. C histolyticum also part of the firmicutes phylum and a strain of […]

Nutritionist Talks About Irritable Bowel Syndrome

Ruth’s point of sharing her message about Irritable bowel syndrome I want you to know that no matter how bad your Irritable Bowel Syndrome (IBS) is, there is hope. If I can turn my life around, so can you. It will mean taking a good hard look at yourself which this book will help you […]

Key Steps To Improving Your Digestion And Bowel Health

The Basics Focusing on the basics is an integral part of healing the gut and recovery from IBS. We cannot expect a sound and robust digestive system if we don’t have the proper foundations in place. You wouldn’t start to put the roof onto your house until you knew you had a solid foundation in […]

Stockport Nutritionist: Ruth Tansey

Ruth Tansey is a Nutritional Therapist, Well-Being Coach, Colonic Hydrotherapist and Yoga teacher. Having recovered from debilitating IBS, Ruth opened her first clinic in 2011, created a franchise and is dedicated to helping others recover from digestive ailments. Ruth’s Story I wish I’d always been healthy and had a healthy relationship with food, but the […]

Constipation Treatment

What To Do If You’re Struggling With Constipation? We’ll look at constipation first. I can’t reiterate enough how important it is to get into a healthy routine with the bowel if you want to have a regular daily bowel movement. If you’re moving your bowel less than three to four times a week, I would […]